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Am I getting a crash near the end of chapter 2, or does it just cut out very quickly? Immediately after the line "And, as soon as I was close enough to my liking, the ground cracked open right under us.", the screen immediately goes black for a second, the music cuts out hard (sometimes making one of those annoying sounds from when sounds cuts out immediately), and then it immediately returns to the title screen with no warning or a message about waiting until the next chapter comes out. I already have all the illustrations and doodles and everything, so I assume that is either the end of the chapter or around it, but it seemed rather sudden so I wanted to check.

If that was the end, I really enjoyed the second chapter. It was just as beautiful as the first, and I really liked the various animals and plants this time (that illustration of the siriko was really impressive especially, although I think my favorite of the illustrations was the last one in the house, that one is just lovely). I also really liked the writing again (Pamum was great, I hope we see more of her again). Additionally, the doodles were just really fun. The first one in the chapter was probably my favorite, with just the expressions on everyone being delightful.

One minor note, I noticed that in the "About" tab of the menu, there's a "Join the Discord" link, but the link does not actually work, it just goes to the "Invite Invalid" page. I don't know if there is a Discord, but it was a bit confusing to have the dead link.

Hi! yes, that is the intended end. I decided against putting the same message as last time, but you're right, I will put a fade to black, and maybe a small "to be continued" next time. (might take the time to release a patch of chapter 2 with those fixes if chapter 3 seems to shape up to take a lot of time too, but hopefully it will not. I already have several backgrounds and CGs started/well along)

As for the discord, dangit, that was supposed to be one of those "stay valid forever" links... I might remove it from the game credits and just have it on the itch page where it's easier to keep to date haha. here's a valid link, just for you! >

Also, glad you liked Pamum, because we all love her on the dev team too :3c she'll be in chapter 3, and most likely chapter 4 as well. And I'm so happy you like all the illustrations and doodles :D it means a lot to me and goes straight to my heart <3

- Graphi


Alright, thank you. I thought that was the end, but it reminded me of a crash with how quick it was and getting that annoying noise, so I wanted to be sure.

Also thank you for the Discord link. It seems like those things tend to be somewhat annoying to set up given how often I've run into expired links (and yet other times I'll run into a Discord that's clearly been dead for years and the link still works, so who knows I guess).

With that, I look forward to the next chapter whenever it is ready. I've greatly enjoyed both the first and second chapters now.


Waiiiiit wait wait. A game about NAGAS?! Sign me up!

indeed! two of the main characters are phériu, a naga-like species. And they will likely meet more along the way :D


Fun characters, gorgeous art, and an interesting world that leaves me wanting more. It's just all around a pleasant game that has me looking forward to the next part.

this is so nice, thank you so much!! it means a lot that you took the time to comment :3c and chapter 2 is well in the works! 

(1 edit) (+1)

This is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played in my life. The characters, backgrounds, and the drawings in the journal are all incredible, and the chapter splash screens are truly amazing.

In addition, I loved the characters and story, and the music was lovely. The details about the animals, the journal entries for even your writing supplies... 

This was truly an exceptional experience, and I look forward to seeing more as the story progresses.

One minor note, Gloria's line after the song including the phrase "What it means is it is harmony." is not listed under Gloria's name, which seems like maybe a mistake? I barely noticed it, but I figured I should pass it on just in case.


Hello, Graphi (artist) here! I've gotta say you have MADE my day right here with this comment this is SO NICE!!! thank you so so much!! i am excited to say we are working on and planning chapter 2, as well as further plots, and of course fleshing out the world >:3c

aaand good catch for gloria's line! i mustve forgotten to assign it on that one, whoopsies! it shall be fixed o7


!!!! Référencement !!!!